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Hardware products gradually open the door of the world Release date: 【2019-12-16】 / Views: 【5024】次


A few days ago, China National Hardware Association and eBay analyzed the current status of China's hardware industry from the supply side and channels to demand, providing new ideas for the transformation and upgrading of China's hardware industry and the development of cross-border exports.

Zhang Dongli, executive director of the China Hardware Association, said: "As a new form of trade. Cross-border e-commerce provides new export channels for Chinese hardware companies. It has crossed the bottleneck of industrial product sales, such as offline customers The development cycle is rapidly moving towards the international market. We very much welcome eBay to actively exert its influence on behalf of the cross-border e-commerce company platform, and welcome the expertise of the local cross-border trade team to provide comprehensive support to help the Chinese hardware industry Set sail in cross-border trade. "

      Zheng Changqing, general manager of eBay's China International Cross-border Trade Department, said: "China is the world's largest hardware supply base, and hardware products have become the star category for the rapid growth of eBay platform sales. We hope to work with the China Hardware Association through product docking, data support, Market analysis and other value-added services help more high-quality sellers to explore the "Brand Road" and develop cutting-edge products that lead market trends and needs.

      Since the 1990s, China's hardware industry has grown from strength to strength, becoming the world's most important manufacturer and exporter of hardware products, forming a large number of competitive global regional industrial clusters and manufacturing enterprises. Chinese hardware sellers have also begun to shift from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to independent brands, and many excellent local brands have gradually entered the international stage. At the same time, the development of global technology and the improvement of the economic level have promoted the consumption of global hardware products to meet demand, which has led to the rapid expansion of the industry and the prosperity of the situation, with prices and quantities rising together. According to the "White Paper on Cross-border E-commerce Exports of Chinese Hardware Products", China's hardware industry has huge room for growth through cross-border e-commerce exports.

       Hardware products are highly compatible with cross-border e-commerce. The hardware product line is extremely rich, the consumer group is wide, the product life cycle is long, the seasonal fluctuation of sales is small, and the demand is stable, which is very suitable for online sales. At the same time, many independent segment markets have target user groups, technical specifications, professional manufacturing, marketing, and service thresholds, so profit margins are relatively high. These characteristics make the hardware category an evergreen category with high profits and stable growth.

Hardware industry clusters and cross-border hot spots are highly overlapping, and ecological integration brings leverage. China's hardware industry is following the path of industrial cluster development. Industrial clusters are concentrated in Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shandong, and Hebei. These provinces are hot spots for cross-border e-commerce. The transformation of local traditional hardware companies to cross-border e-commerce sellers is expected to integrate industrial and e-commerce ecological resources and generate leverage effects.

       In addition, the major export destination markets of the hardware industry coincide with the major penetration markets of global e-commerce. The hardware industry's dominant export categories are highly consistent with online high-potential hotspot categories. The construction of the "Belt and Road" has opened up a new cross-border e-commerce market for hardware companies. These features provide many conveniences for the development of the hardware industry
