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The difference between big hardware and small hardware Release date: 【2019-12-16】 / Views: 【4034】次


Hardware is a word we know well, but hardware is actually divided into large hardware and small hardware, so what is the difference between them? Let's take a look together below!


Hardware refers to the five metal materials of gold, silver, copper, iron, and tin. Hardware is the mother of industry. At the root of national defense, hardware products are generally divided into two categories: hardware and hardware.

In terms of the nature and use of hardware, it should be divided into eight categories: iron and steel materials, non-ferrous metal materials, mechanical parts, transmission equipment, auxiliary things, working things, construction hardware, and home hardware.

Big hardware

Hardware refers to steel plates, steel bars, flat iron, universal angle steel, channel iron, I-shaped iron and various types of steel materials. Generally used in tooling, welding equipment, mechanical products, large hardware and so on.

Big hardware picture


Small hardware

Hardware is construction hardware, tinplate, lock nails, iron wire, steel wire mesh, wire scissors, household hardware, various things, and so on.

Such as the general name of metal equipment and some small things installed on buildings or furniture, such as nails, buckles, screws, wires, locks, hinges, latches, springs, etc.

Small hardware diagram

